Assessment and Planning

Who We Are

Gaby Castro Gessner
Gaby Castro Gessner
Director of Assessment and Planning
Image of flowers and ferns
Linda Miller
Assessment Librarian
Vandana Shah
Vandana Shah
Research and Assessment Analyst

What We Do

The Assessment and Planning team advances Cornell University Library’s strategic goals and mission by providing evidence in support of decision-making by the library administration and its units. We assess library services and spaces with a variety of approaches and methodologies to improve the user experience, such as surveys, focus groups, interviews, observations, statistical analysis, text analysis, etc., and highlight the Library’s contributions to the University’s strategic priorities. We coordinate and manage the Library’s annual data collection, and provide statistics to national agencies such as ARL, ACRL and NCES. We also partner and consult with library colleagues in support of assessment projects.

Use Existing Data

We have collected information and statistics of or about the library for many years. Please feel free to explore these potential data sources. We know that producing data can be expensive, time consuming, and in the case of user research, an imposition on subjects. Not having the right data could be damaging for the decisions you need to make. To minimize these problems and maximize your results, see Use Existing Data, or contact us for more information. 

Need New Data?

If no data exists to answer your questions, please email us at to discuss your needs.  We can consult with you on how to design a project, or might be able to take on your project and produce answers to your research questions.