Visual Resources Advisory Group


  • Tre Berney (Library)
  • Benjamin Anderson (Classics/History of Art and Visual Studies) 
  • Eliza Bettinger (Library)
  • Andrew Campana (Asian Studies)
  • Durba Ghosh (History)
  • Denise Green (Fiber Science and Apparel Design) 
  • Sturt Manning (Classics/CIAMS)  
  • Katherine Reagan (Library)


When a decision was made to close the Knight Visual Resources Facility, the College of Arts and Sciences and the Cornell University Library (CUL) began collaborating to develop a plan for meeting the digitization needs of Arts and Sciences faculty. To this end, one of the programs established a competitive digital collections grants program to encourage and support collaborative and creative use of visual resources through the creation of digital content of enduring value to the Cornell community and scholarship at large.

The continuing goal of the advisory group will be to develop and oversee such a grants program as well as continuing to assess and address evolving needs in order to create a usable and sustainable digitization service that meets the current and emerging needs of faculty and graduate students at Cornell.