Most borrowed materials are renewable through the catalog, or onsite at the library.
Cornell-Owned Items
Got to My Account and login with your NetID or GuestID and password.
Select the items you wish to renew. Please note: some items may not be renewable and BorrowDirect items are limited to one renewal.
Make note of the renewal status and new due dates for all items (may involve paging through multiple screens if you have lots of books)
Contact the circulation desk if you are unable to view or renew your books, or if you have questions!
BorrowDirect and Interlibrary Loan
Most BorrowDirect and Interlibrary Loan items can be renewed. Renewal eligibility and restrictions are marked on the band attached to the book cover. To renew through My Account:
- Go to My Account and login with your Net ID or Guest ID and password.
- Under the View menu, select “Checked out items” and click on the Transaction Number of the item to be renewed
- Click “Renew request” at the top of the page.
If there is no option to renew in My Account or you would like to request a renewal by phone, email, in person, please contact your Interlibrary Loan office:
- Olin Library, (607) 255-9564,
- Mann, Geneva or Veterinary Library, (607) 255-7754,
- Law Library, (607)255-5750,
Problems Renewing Books?
Common reasons why renewals may be blocked:
- Short term loans, equipment or special collection materials may not be renewable
- Items with pending requests (recalls or holds) are not renewable
- Items more than 27 days overdue are not renewable (this period may vary with type of material)
- Your account has expired
- Your account has reached a block threshold. These blocks include exceeding the limit on unpaid fines, unreturned books, overdue recalls, number of items on loan, or number of overdue items.
- The maximum number of renewals has been reached. For BorrowDirect and Interlibrary Loan items, the number of renewals is very limited (one in most cases).
If you believe there is an error or you have any questions, please contact the owning library or contact us:
Library Public Services Office
(607) 255-5069
Most borrowed materials may be returned to any Cornell library on the Ithaca, Geneva or Weill Cornell Medical College (WCMC, New York City) campuses. If you are returning Ithaca/Geneva books to WCMC, please speak with their staff to let them know you are returning offsite materials. If you have questions about returning books to Cornell Tech, email
The following materials must be returned directly to the libraries from which they were issued:
- Reserve books (hourly loans, 1- or 2-day loans)
- Laptops and other equipment
- Law Library Interlibrary loans
- Fragile items
- Any special loan materials, as indicated by the issuing library (may include journal issues, videos, DVDs, CDs, manual loans, etc.)
How to Return Books
Bookdrops and Circulation Desk
Items may be placed in the book returns located outside of the libraries (after closing) or may be returned at the library circulation desks during open hours. See campus map with library locations and individual libraries for location of book returns, or contact the libraries for location information. Please note: If the outside book return is full, please do not force books into the box or leave them outside the box — return them to the circulation desk the next business day. You will not be fined for the additional time required to return books in person.
Please note that books cannot be returned through the Campus Mail delivery system.
By U.S. Mail or Delivery Service
Books returned through US mail, FedEx, DHL, UPS, or other delivery service should be insured for a minimum value of $100 per item. Please address packages to:
Olin Library Service Desk
2B07 Uris Library
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
Please be sure to include your name and contact information.
Drive-up Locations
Locations of libraries or book drops that are accessible by car (most offer on-site parking):
- Africana Library
- Law Library
- Library Annex
- Management Library (south side by parking lot)
- Math Library (north side across from Bailey Hall)
- Robert Purcell Community Center (west side)
Questions about Returns?
Please us during our business hours:
Library Public Services Office
(607) 255-5069
Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.