Library Spaces

- Collaborative space
- Accessible space
Mann 102 Conference Room
Mann Library
Conference Room 102 is located on the 1st floor, just off the lobby (map it). Room 102 is set up in a lecture format and includes: 50 chairs with a center aisle, podium with computer, screen and an LCD projector, 6 tables at the back of the room, and a small whiteboard/easel. Room 102 supports distance learning (Cisco videoconferencing) and web conferencing (Skype for Business, WebEx, Zoom, etc.).
What's inside
- Whiteboard
- Instructor Station
- Projector
- Moveable Tables
- Chairs
I want to ...
- Present or Teach
Which spaces can I use
- Undergraduate
- Graduate
- Staff
- Faculty
Support Spaces
- Accessible