Library Spaces

- Collaborative space
Mann B30B Classroom
Mann Library
What's inside
- Computers
- Whiteboard
- Instructor Station
- Projector
I want to ...
- Present or Teach
Which spaces can I use
- Undergraduate
- Graduate
- Staff
- Faculty
Mann Library
Mann Library
Mann Library
Conference Room 102 is located on the 1st floor, just off the lobby (map it). Room 102 is set up in a lecture format and includes: 50 chairs with a center aisle, podium with computer, screen and an LCD projector, 6 tables at the back of the room, and a small whiteboard/easel. Room 102 supports distance learning (Cisco videoconferencing) and web conferencing (Skype for Business, WebEx, Zoom, etc.).
Mann Library
Seminar Room 100 is located on the 1st floor, off the lobby in the hallway connecting Mann Library to Warren Hall (map it). Room 100 is a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) room; a laptop must be brought for web conferencing. Room 100 is set up with 5 tables arranged as a larger conference table. There are 10 chairs around the table and 7 extra chairs stacked in the corner of the room. The maximum capacity is 17 people.
Mann Library
Stone Classroom is located on the 1st floor of Mann Library in room 103 (map it). Stone Classroom has 26 Dell computers and one instructor station, which is connected to an LCD digital projector. The room may be reserved for instructional use by Cornell faculty and teaching staff, with preference given to Mann Library staff. The room is open for use by students when classes are not in session. Reservations must be made 1 business day in advance, Monday - Friday.
Mann Library
Mann 160
Catherwood Library
Room 237. Available when not in use by staff.